Who I Am

Hi, I’m Chris Seiter, the founder of Ex Boyfriend, and it’s my job to help you throughout every stage of your breakup.

For the past decade I’ve been teaching women how to maximize their relationship potential with their ex partners.

Sometimes that means helping my clients try to get their exes back.

Other times that means helping them get over the intense pain they are holding on to as a result of their breakups.

In the end it’s really all about healing.

Healing a broken relationship or a broken heart.

How My Process Works

Over the past decade I’ve employed an ancient strategy to get to the bottom of what really works when it comes to fixing your broken relationships.

It’s called the socratic method and it’s something that that I recommend you get familiar with.

The ultimate goal of the socratic method is to find the truth of the world. It does this by forcing you to constantly reexamine the thesis’ you come up with.

It’s perfect for refining the strategies I recommend to my clients.

I’m on an endless pursuit for perfection.

The end result is you get the most refined advice on the internet when it comes to breakup recovery.

Success Stories

The Situation

  • Her ex broke up with her after she wanted to go to therapy with him
  • She bought our Best Selling book and immediately started implementing
  • She implemented our no contact rule

The Results

  • She got immediate responses
  • Quickly got back together
  • Now they are married

The Situation

  • Kelly initially was unsure how to approach her breakup
  • When we met her and advised her on what to do she remained skeptical
  • However, after she took a leap of faith and listened to our advice she got these results

The Results

  • She texted her ex first and got immediate responses
  • Eventually he came back and she succeed in her goal of getting him back
We've Been Featured & Quoted On

“People follow Chris because he gets results. It’s really that simple.”

“The Ex Recovery team is the best I’ve ever encountered at helping you plan after a breakup.”

“The truth is that people make getting your ex back more difficult than it needs to be. Chris and his team simplify the process.”

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